Gel Wash - Shampoo | Grande
Exfoliar - Poof
Regular price
Rs. 3,000.00
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Complete your routine
Regular price
Rs. 3,500.00
Santury - Hair Mask | Grande
Gel Wash - Shampoo | Grande
Gel Wash - Shampoo | Grande
Regular price
Rs. 3,000.00
Complete your routine
Regular price
Rs. 3,500.00
Santury - Hair Mask | Grande
How To use:
Shikakai Extract improves hair health.
Yucca Extract calms an irritated scalp.
The outermost layer of the scalp, called the Epidermis, has a yeast called Malassezia that feeds on sebum from sebaceous glands. This yeast breaks down sebum into fatty acids, consuming the saturated ones and leaving the unsaturated ones to be reabsorbed into the scalp. This weakens the skin barrier and causes moisture loss. Normally, skin renews every 2-3 weeks, but this process speeds it up, causing cell buildup that appears as dandruff. This leads to itchiness and inflammation of the scalp. -
Poof helps prevent moisture loss and treat excessively dry scalp. It keeps the scalp balanced and healthy, revitalising fragile hair and soothing irritation. By purifying hair follicles and regulating sebum secretion, strong and healthy hair growth is promoted while tackling dandruff and itchiness.
Nature's exfoliating balance
Un.earthing deep-cleansing routes
Purifying essence for gentle hair revival
Get Professional Hair Repair Care
Poof 4-Step Repairing Treatment
To Repair Hair From Roots To EndsKnow More
Gypsy Routes
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